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Pacific Lutheran University

Inquiry. Service. Leadership. Care.

Library Snapshot Day 2018: Snapshot of the Day

Snapshot Day took place on May 14, 2018. It included suggestions from students for a new Library vision statement.

Door Count


patrons and visitors came through the front door of the PLU Library on May 14

Find it Guides


number of subject, course, or reservation guides viewed on May 14

Check Outs


items were checked out of the PLU Library on May 14

Interlibrary Loans


ILL borrowing requests were submitted on May 14


ILL items were checked out on May 14

Library Building Open

24 hours

number of hours building was open on
May 14

Study Rooms


number of study room reservations on May 14

Snapshot Day 2018

Monday, May 14, 2018

world cloud of words from suggested library vision statements

Words drawn from students' suggestions for a new Library vision statement.

See all the vision suggestions.

Survey Results - How can the Library be improved?

Here are a few representative responses:

Wi-fi printing
Clean the keyboards more often
More outlets
Library hours extended & weekend hours
More comfortable chairs
More bathrooms
fix the heat

Here's a short list of the most remarked:

Computers & printing - 25 mentions

Outlets - 23 mentions

Hours - 14 mentions

Furniture - 13 mentions

Bathroom - 10 mentions

Temperature - 8 mentions

Study Rooms - 5 mentions

Quiet - 5 mentions

Textbooks - 3 mentions


How this year's survey was conducted

Students commented on survey questions posed on whiteboards. Word magnets and markers were used. We asked students to help us with a new Library vision statement.

students adding comments to Snapshot Day 2018 whiteboard survey

Survey Results - What do you like about the Library?

Here are a few representative responses:

Literally the only place I can get work done
All the natural light
Awesome spaces for studying
How helpful everyone is
Group tables on main floor
New booths - bless these booths

Here's a list of the most remarked:


Space - 27 mentions

Staff - 13 mentions

Furniture - 9 mentions

Quiet - 9 mentions

Computers & printing - 8 mentions

Resources - 7 mentions

Study rooms - 6 mentions

Help Desk - 3 mentions

Hours - 3 mentions


Home Page Views


number of views of the PLU Library home page ( 
on May 14