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Pacific Lutheran University

Inquiry. Service. Leadership. Care.

Library Snapshot Day 2018: What do you like about the Library? - By Category

Snapshot Day took place on May 14, 2018. It included suggestions from students for a new Library vision statement.

By category - What do you like about the Library?

This year we posed the question, "What do you like about the Library? Below are the parsed out responses under categories with rough counts to illustrate the number of times a topic was mentioned.  “*” notes that a student put a star next to an existing statement in agreement or that multiple students made the exact same statement.

Space - 27 mentions

Staff - 13 mentions

Furniture - 9 mentions

Quiet - 9 mentions

Computers & printing - 8 mentions

Resources - 7 mentions

Study rooms - 6 mentions

Help Desk - 3 mentions

Hours - 3 mentions



Space - 27 mentions

3rd floor natural lighting from atrium stairwell
All the natural light**
Awesome spaces for studying
Different study spaces
Good group study space on 1st floor
Good place to study
Great quiet place to study (3rd floor)*
Great study area for (loud) groups!
Literally the only place I can get work done.**
Open environment for studying make me focus
Open feel of entry
Thank you for a great space where there is everything I need.
The amount of study space
The environment that the library gives***
There is always room to sit, either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd floor.
To be some place I can relax and learn while comfy.


Staff - 13 mentions

Cool people
Helpful nature of All
How helpful everyone is
Librarians are very helpful!!
The great staff
The staff and interlibrary loan
They were nice to me when I spilled my coffee
Wonderfully helpful staff


Furniture - 9 mentions

Comfy chairs and plenty of room to study
Different types of seating
Group tables on main floor*
Large tables, spacious*
New booths - bless these booths*
Study booths with easy access outlets

Quiet - 9 mentions

Different floors with noise
Different levels for noise: allows people to study with what level they like
How the levels of noise vary by floor
Quiet place to study and get away
Quiet space for learning
The different floors (level of noise)
The different levels
The levels of “quietness”*

Computers & printing - 8 mentions

Computers & printing*
Convenient printing, copying, scanning
Design Lab*
Has printers
Mac computers**
The amount of computers and the tech services
The computers

Resources - 7 mentions

Access to academia & entertainment & equipment
Access to books, databases, study spaces, 3rd floor quietness*
Interlibrary loan, Ebsco, JSTOR access**
Massive Holocaust Studies collection
Research resources
Resourceful (i.e., computers, books, tech)
The music section

Study rooms - 6 mentions

Study rooms are great
Study rooms with computers
Study rooms***

Help Desk - 3 mentions

Help Desk
My Help Desk staff and job

Hours - 3 mentions

Dead week hours
The hours
We can basically study here all day


Bathroom on the 1st floor
Cool in the summer!
How easy it is to reserve rooms
Integrated spaces like IT & Academic Assistance
It has technology that helps with schoolwork: projectors, moveable whiteboards, study rooms, etc.
Movie library!
That we can eat*
The library is awesome!
The student aid
There’s a microwave
Whiteboards on wheels