How can the Library be improved?
hot water for tea (coffee/tea stand)**
more bean bag chairs/spots
more outlets********************
more study booths
more bean bag chairs
nap spots
better chairs with support*
nap spots near the window***
open library access with card 24/7
Improve study room reservations (bigger time blocks)
more armchairs with fold-out desks
All gender restrooms on every floor*
new desks
more comfortable chairs*
more study rooms
Bring back the original way you reserved a study room. The new way is so slow.
brighten up the colors
incorporate biophilic design elements
bring the art pieces back to Wakanda (a.k.a. origin and description of these pieces. Thank you!)
Please return artifacts on 2nd floor stairwell foyer to Wakanda! But seriously . . . context and info about how these pieces were “collected” is critical.
Larger accessible bathrooms*
Bathroom on the 1st floor*
Thanks for not having/making PLU students change out password needlessly!
Bean bags next to the windows on the 3rd floor.
More “required” books available for classes**
Clean the keyboards more often***
Nap rooms, please
Maybe have phone chargers to rent
More computers
More quiet areas*
Can we please have couch?
Can we please have a monitor that’ll hook up to our PC’s?
More cables to hook up computers
Computers on 2nd & 3rd floor
More hours**
Whiteboard markers available at library for loan
Don’t close so early on weekends*
New seating
Better advertisement of the services in the library
Try to control the noise level on 2nd floor
Weekend hours (earlier on weekends)*
More dead week hour for finals*
More weekend hours, Spring break hours
Wi-fi printing*********
Computers are hit and miss
More quiet on 2nd floor
Lamps instead of fluorescent lighting
Library hours extended & weekend hours**
Improve study rooms, many feel cramped and too small for even one person
2nd floor bathrooms don’t need 2 doors to go in
More than 1 bathroom on the 1st floor
Some type of meditation space
Snacks are always a plus
Free/cheaper printing
Online instructions on how to use copier and other services*
Keep noise level down on 2nd floor*
More bathrooms*
More water bottle refilling stations
Extension cables on all tables
More computers
Sound control
Fully functioning vending machine (always working)*
Change HDMI cords at tables with TV’s so they work with new computers
Make study rooms quiet on 3rd floor
So hot on the 1st floor!