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Pacific Lutheran University

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Library Snapshot Day 2019: Test Re-Taking - Full-Text Responses

Snapshot Day took place on April 29, 2019. We surveyed students about computers in study rooms, how they would like to re-take a test if they miss one, and what would make their lives better.

Full-Text Responses - If you missed a test in one of your classes, what would be the optimal way for your to re-take your test?

“*” notes that a student put a star next to an existing statement in agreement

Library study room, library, or "proctored" (28)
being able to schedule a make-up in a semi-proctored study room *
schedule it w/prof and take it later. Maybe retake it in the library instead of a cramped office **
take exam in a study room **
schedule to retake in study room *****
office hour or at library
office hours, or even in library?
reschedule for a private room
reschedule in a study room
reschedule to take in separate room
reschedule w/prof to do during office hours or proctored
reschedule with prof. to take in study room or conference room
schedule for a proctored retake
schedule to retake in the library (study room)
take in a study room
take in a study room!
take in study room
take in study room
take the test in a study room
Online (25)
online **
online ***
depends on test format. Essay? Short answer? -- reschedule. Multiple choice? - online
online or at office hours
online or at office hours
online or office hours
reschedule it and take it in person or online (for emergency)
reschedule perhaps allowing it online or having flexibility in re-taking it
reschedule w/prof or online
reschedule w/prof or online
reschedule w/prof, take online?
schedule time with prof or take online
schedule time with prof or take online
Professor's office hour or appointment with professor (23)
reschedule in profs office *
during office hours or ask prof their preference ****
at office hours
email prof or meet at office hours to reschedule
in prof's office during office hours/appointment
make arrangements with professor
meet at office hours to reschedule
office hours
office hours
office hours
office hours or a scheduled time
office hours, talk w/professor
re-schedule w/prof during office hours
reschedule in office hours
reschedule in office hours
schedule an appointment
schedule office hours with prof
take at later time with prof
Other comments (5)
don't miss the test *
grovel to the prof
I'd be f__ked
whatever is easiest for the professor
Specific mention of a testing center (4)
office hours or schedule time or testing center *
test center like in many community colleges (less stress for everyone)
testing center
Academic Assistance (2)
reschedule in Academic Assistance
reschedule with prof and Academic Assistance
Unspecific responses not noting where/how to re-take tests (76)
reschedule *
talk to prof. and reschedule *
email prof to reschedule **
find a separate time, schedule an appointment **
reschedule *****
reschedule w/prof *******
schedule it, take it later ********
ask the professor!
definitely talk to my professor
it's not up to me, it's up to the prof
just give me an A or B, I'll take either
just reschedule it
Notify professor and reschedule after or ahead of time if I know I couldn't make it!
reschedule for in person take
reschedule or have make up days
reschedule through email
reschedule w/prof
reschedule w/professor
reschedule with prof
reschedule, don't miss
schedule a make-up w/prof
schedule a time with prof to retake it
schedule again
schedule another time
schedule it
schedule it, though it depends on the class
schedule retake
schedule to retake! Or if it's an online test extend it after discussing w/professor
schedule w/professor
speak w/prof
talk w/prof about rescheduling a retake that fits w/prof and student's schedule
talk with prof. to be rescheduled