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Pacific Lutheran University

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Library Snapshot Day 2019: Snapshot of the Day

Snapshot Day took place on April 29, 2019. We surveyed students about computers in study rooms, how they would like to re-take a test if they miss one, and what would make their lives better.

Snapshot Day 2019 | Monday, April 29, 2019

Here's the questions we posed to students during our annual informal Mortvedt Library survey to get a snapshot of what our patrons think.

A repository of past Snapshot Day results from 2012 to the present is available here.

If you missed a test in one of your classes, what would be the optimal way for you to re-take your test?

image of responses about where students would like to re-take a test

Students responded with a number of comments in these categories, for the full-text comments, see here.

Library study room, library, or "proctored" (28)
Online (25)
Professor's office hour or appointment with professor (23)
Other comments (5)
Testing Center (4)
Academic Assistance (2)
(#) = how many responses

Should we keep computers in library study rooms?

Besides these comments, students remarked:

"I think they should be split up by floors"
"add monitors for computer connections"
"yes, but better computers"


One thing that would make my life better __________.


Students responded with a number of comments in these categories, for the full-text comments, see here.

Tuition & Tuition Transparency (69)
Classes, Requirements, Capstones (61)
Food, Dining, Coffee (35)
Financial Aid, Money, Financial Concerns (31)
Professors & what they do in their courses (30)
Library Resources, Services, & Furniture (29)
Technology (26)
Campus Facilities (24)
Support (4)
Students' Personal Aspirations (43)
(#) = how many responses

PLU students responding to 2019 survey questions.

PLU students taking Mortvedt Library snapshot day survey April 29, 2019