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Pacific Lutheran University

Inquiry. Service. Leadership. Care.

Library Snapshot Day 2019: Make My Life Better- Full-Text Responses

Snapshot Day took place on April 29, 2019. We surveyed students about computers in study rooms, how they would like to re-take a test if they miss one, and what would make their lives better.

Full-Text Responses - One thing that would make my life better ____________.

“*” notes that a student put a star next to an existing statement in agreement

Tuition & Tuition Transparency (69)
ability to have lighter load during capstone semester and not lose money *
cheaper tuition ************** (14)
cheaper tuition ********** (11)
cheaper tuition ****** (7)
the ability to be full time on a lighter load and not lose scholarship
cheaper tuition ***
cheaper tuition *
free college! *
lower tuition ***
lower tuition *
lower tuition
lower tuition or *books included* if it's going to be so much!!! **
optional tuition fees ***
reduce tuition
reduced tuition, more financial support *
know where tuition and fees go
knowing where tuition goes ***
to know where our tuition $ is going towards
Classes, Requirements, Capstones (61)
being able to take classes *I want*! ****
flexibility with credits *
if my major/minor *always* had classes available that are mandatory of them; 300 level non-western history??!
if you didn't have to declare a music minor to take a music class
less classes at the same time
less Gen Eds
more class options
more options for class times **
more study away options for STEM majors **
more time options for classes/flexibility
normal (public school) holidays off
Not a 17 credit cap makes Music a living hell
supplemental classes for basic knowledge before class pre-reqs
provide a (mandatory, maybe w/alcohol and sexuality piece) class for students to learn how to better learn about people with disabilities
more time to work on capstone, - year long project with shorter class times and more individual meetings, - less unrelated homework and more focus on specific project (language lit. student)
no capstone
no mandatory capstone *
get rid of the Nursing portfolio **
more room for electives (Nursing) **********(10)
more online class options
more online classes **
more options for online courses
online classes **
online classes **
online classes
less PE?
no PE ***
no PE *
PE strand,  you're almost there!
Food, Dining, Coffee (35)
1 free meal day per month **
affordable meal plans that have enough dining $ to feed me ****
Commons dinner is *not* all you can eat as only option. Transfer students should be able to take food to go. All students should be able to take food to go and not be forced to eat in the Commons.
commuter access to food/commons during dinner
food available for students for free
free coffee
free food!
more free food days ******** (8)
more options in dining hall, there's lots of repetition ***** (5)
more reasonable food prices *
one meal plan that lets us eat more *
free coffee/food options *
more gluten free options
Financial Aid, Money, Financial Concerns (31)
better customer service with in financial aid services, - responding to emails efficiently, - passive aggressive **
financial help ***
help with financial aid ***
higher campus minimum wage
money being used everywhere properly
no student loans
textbook exchange program ? PLU textbook exchange Facebook page for buy/sell/trade
more dining dollars
transferable dining dollars
money ****** (7)
money **
more money *
Professors & what they do in their courses (30)
a better prof. *
all school work not on the same day!
having classes based around learning and inquiry rather than a letter
if profs want printed articles they should provide ****
if videos/documentaries are part of class, let students watch outside of class
more prof working/cooperating with student disability services *
more understanding professors who take time to listen to students struggling in life ***
a way to hold professors accountable when they do not perform well **
make BIO 205 easier please
more time for assignments
profs putting PowerPoints online
easier grading
grades on Sakai all semester
make overall course grade available in Sakai for *all* classes, all year *
more times for office hours
office hours that fit my schedule
no homework!
no test!
Library Resources, Services, & Furniture (29)
coffee station
free coffee in the library
not racist CD's
smaller wait time for ILLiad
broader selection of books that have to do with interesting topics (Wicca, etc.)
just more books in general
more books and more e-resources
textbooks available to borrow from the library ***
we need more recent books in the library *
microwave in the library *
more standing desk *
more yellow chairs
standing desks *
standing desks in the library ***
24 hour library hours
library open later on non-test (mid/final) weeks
library opened earlier/later, or at least one place open 24/7 to study, PLU does not help commuter students **
Technology (26)
Adobe Creative Cloud for Free! ********** (11)
Microsoft software for free ****** (6)
no more Duo-auth **
no Duo
better PLU wi-fi
the Garage Band expansions, - we need admin pass
"you can get it 4 free w/student" (I think this relates to the MS Office comment)
Campus facilities (24)
hot water kettles in every lounge area! **
microwaves *
more campus restaurants **
more common areas open late on campus w/wi-fi *
outlets around campus
bigger gym/better gym hours
if we got a new gym *
Improved facilities, building a Rec Center ***
new gym
fewer 15-minute only parking spaces/more commuter parking ***
more commuter parking
Student Support (4)
better tutoring/help center *
reconstructing mental health support for students and communication about mental health resources on campus
listening to students when things like this are done. Stop the lip service. Make change.
Student's Personal Aspirations (43)
a job on Wall Street
better health
focus more on the learning than the grade ***
free time that I am not procrastinating
less stress
less whinners
less work
mandatory nap time
more dancing
more hours in the day **
more sleep
more sleep and self care
more time ***
more time in my day
more time to re??l or have stress management plans
more time to watch anime
more time/sleep
nice weather
no school
no school
no school
piece of mind
romance **
sleep ***
time: with a kid and work some classes are too long or ask for a lot of extra time and of class for  homework
Don't know what these responses relate to (2)
flexibility in hours *
better online services