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Pacific Lutheran University

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WRIT 101 - Laurie-Berry: Searching the Library

Search the library catalog



Go to the library homepage to search the library catalog:

WorldCat homepage image

Beyond the Library

Google logoSome of the information you're looking for might take the form of NGO reports, government agency papers, or technical documents, which may be easier to find with a web search. Use the same strategies and techniques you use for library databases for best results!

Citing Your Sources

When writing a research paper you will use a wide variety of resources.  You are required to cite your sources for two main reasons:

  1. To give credit to the creator of the original idea.  By citing you will avoid any charges of plagiarism.
  2. To enable readers of your paper to be able to find the resources you have used and consult them to read further on the topic.

For more information, check Why Do We Cite?

For help writing and citing APA Style, check out:

Search Databases

Searching Tips


  • Map your keywords to subject headings. Books especially are cataloged by subject headings. Using these can help you find more sources.
  • Too many results? Use more specific terms. Too few results? Use broader terms. (Your keyword or concept may appear in the text of a resource without showing up in the search results.)
  • Browse reference lists. Sources cited by a resource you've found might also be good matches.
  • Use the peer reviewed filter by checking the Peer-reviewed checkbox on the left side of the screen. Peer reviewed resources are generally scholarly.
  • If your keyword consists of more than one word, such as "identity category", put double quotes around it to ensure that the search engine considers the two words as a single term.