is different from searching for answers to simple questions such as what time the bus comes, or whether a class is in Ramstad or Rieke
is more like the process of making an important, many-factored decision such as whether to study away, or take a job in a different city
poses questions that cannot be answered from a single source
requires consulting multiple sources from which to derive your own insights
may yield information that supports or contradicts your argument
relies on information created by people who have developed expertise through scholarship and/or long direct experience
may use more formal terminology than everyday discussion of the same concepts
is a non-linear, iterative process
can be messy!
Today's objectives...
to introduce and enhance academic research skills that can inform your thinking and writing on the Green Revolution, GMOs, food insecurity, and related topics
to develop your topics through processes of reflection and research
provide you with the opportunity to explore what the library has to offer to help substantiate your papers
apply your critical reading skills to the resources you find
incorporate the sources you choose into your own papers