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Pacific Lutheran University

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Library Snapshot Day 2015: Suggestions -- all responses

Responses - "Suggestions: What suggestions do you have for improvements or changes to current library services, resources, spaces, & furniture?"

furniture 40
update windows, furniture, study rooms
furniture and more outlets on 2nd flooor
more comfortable chairs, outlets to plug in computers
more plugins and tables on 2nd floor!
the building would benefit from furniture and infrastructure upgrades toward technology use and wi-fi access throughout
the furniture is a bit dated; sometimes smell and lighting bothers me
update spaces and furniture
more large study tables, better computer support
more computer access on upper levels. get couches
more computers, more furniture second floor
more cubby's
I feel that there could be some furniture improvements but over all the services work for me
really comfy chairs! really helpful studying
more furniture that has pull out desks in upper floors
nothing that I can think of, maybe more comfy chairs
update the chairs
more comfy chairs!
could use more comfortable 1st floor seating
update the furniture, uncomfortable
nicer chairs I guess but they're all right
better chairs for the tables
a couch or two on the 3rd floor
longer couches so I can lay on them and type, better temperature
more sofas and comfortable chairs
new furniture/tables
more couches on third floor
more small tables on the first floor
more 4 person tables on the 2nd floor
new bean bags
more chairs in groups, or have to reserve tables so that groups can use them
updated furniture
new furniture, bathroom on 1st floor
more tables on the lower floor
I like the comfy chairs!
a couple of couches on the third floor
some of the furniture looks really dated
additional comfortable furniture on the 2nd floor
larger desks on first floor
better chairs
more couches
computers 29
more computers would be nice
better tech center that supports (illegible) data/no slow computers
Perhaps some computers on the second floor. And perhaps a community board somewhere.
more computers, more free printing
Maybe update the computer programs and some of their tools
more computers
A lot of what's here is old and kind of worn out. Several of the computers have keyboards with keys that stick.
better study room computers
clean off the computer keyboards more often
improve the computers and put more in the study rooms
more computers/places to sit would be nice
more computer access on upper levels. get couches
more computer space with Dell monitors
more computers
maybe more computers? During some times of the year there is limited availability
more computers/printers
put some work computers on the 3rd floor
more computers, more furniture second floor
maybe a computer or two upstairs
more computers at peak hour it can be difficult to find access
Not all the computers have Chrome on them
feels a bit out of date. Maybe iPads to checkout would be cool. More workers willing to help you locate books, etc.
more computers and e-books (for textbooks)
computers on the 2nd and 3rd floors
add more journals online/ more computers
new computer keyboards would be cool
The computers on the first floor are not enough
more computers on the 3rd floor
make computers available to students on more than just the first floor
hours 26
more hours availability, a little quieter environment
longer hours for students to study. Less time for study rooms.
I would like more hours. I actually study on Friday nights, but it is closed. More table outlets
more outlets if possible, open earlier on weekends
better opening times
I think extended hours would be beneficial
open earlier on weekends
maybe having it open later than 1am
more variety of goods in the vending machine, 24 hour library
I wish the library was 24/7
make the friday & saturday hours open as long as sunday through Thursday
longer hours (later), food
later library hours Friday/Saturday evenings
24 hour
have library open 24 hours a couple of days every month
open later
make library 24 hours
thinking about the students when considering closing the library -- may have work to do?
sometimes hours are weird, like closed Sunday before Spring Break ended
more hours
longer hours when midterms and finals are getting closer (not just during dead week)
better J-term hours
later hours
more hours on weekends
24 hour library
open earlier on weekends
building 23
It's hard to navigate and find books. Also, having at least 1 copy of a PLU course book that can be checked out would be so helpful!
Suggestions:  What suggestions do you have for improvements or changes to current library services, resources, spaces, & furniture?
the lighting and conditioning is uncomfortable
more computers/places to sit would be nice
feels a bit out of date. Maybe iPads to checkout would be cool. More workers willing to help you locate books, etc.
the building would benefit from furniture and infrastructure upgrades toward technology use and wi-fi access throughout
more group work areas
I would say destroy this building and make a modern one, It was taken off the tour. This place is like a hell-hole for weirdos.
general sprucing up and dust cleaning
I think updating the space to create more group studies and individual studies
maybe a new coat of paint to make it look less like the 1970's
more private table areas
brighter colors on the wall
the furniture is a bit dated; sometimes smell and lighting bothers me
more windows on 3rd floor
I think the building could be updated, but that's asking a lot
more individual study areas where I don't feel like I'm taking up too much space would be a nice addition
more individual tables/ more available rooms
brighter colors, plants
update spaces and furniture
update windows, furniture, study rooms
change of color and distinct instructions for behavior on different floors
more outlets for laptops, more group spaces, more windows
outlets 23
more outlets for laptops, more group spaces, more windows
improvements in internet accessibility, more outlets thought floors would be helpful, as well as faster internet
Need more outlets. 
I would suggest having more spaces near outlets
at some times comfortable chairs near outlets are at a premium. Having more plugs/outlets for laptops would be awesome
more outlets! on 3rd floor
better maintained study rooms that are updated, maintained, locks checked. More desks with outlets on it.
furniture and more outlets on 2nd flooor
more outlets helps study groups
more comfortable chairs, outlets to plug in computers
more outlets available at the tables
I think it would be helpful to have more outlets by more tables
more outlets!
I would like more hours. I actually study on Friday nights, but it is closed. More table outlets
certain areas lack access to electricity (outlets), which is an issue considering how much work is online
more outlets to charge electronics
more plugins and tables on 2nd floor!
wish there were more plugins
coffee shop/cafe in the library! and more outlets
more outlets if possible, open earlier on weekends
more plugins
more outlets
more power strips!!!
study rooms 19
better maintained study rooms that are updated, maintained, locks checked. More desks with outlets on it.
more individual tables/ more available rooms
update windows, furniture, study rooms
better study room computers
improve the computers and put more in the study rooms  
more study room availability
I never know if rooms have been reserved. maybe posting a schedule on doors so it's clear when they are available?
clean study rooms more, new furniture in them
need a little bit more space or more rooms to study individually
more individual study rooms
I would like to see an upgrade of furniture in study rooms ( & cleaner)
more hours to be able to use a study room, more than 4 hours
I wish the light in study room could be better
bathroom on 1st floor and make 3rd floor study rooms noise proof
longer hours for students to study. Less time for study rooms.
study space, study rooms, helpful research help
more rooms to do group work
replacing chairs in study rooms
more study rooms (large study rooms)
services 16
more variety of goods in the vending machine, 24 hour library
quiet rules enforced better
study space, study rooms, helpful research help
It's hard to navigate and find books. Also, having at least 1 copy of a PLU course book that can be checked out would be so helpful!
change of color and distinct instructions for behavior on different floors  
have a list of all the things they offer -- maybe workshops
Perhaps some computers on the second floor. And perhaps a community board somewhere.
more computers and e-books (for textbooks)
the wi-fi this year has been terrible. Not only the library, but everywhere on campus. (extensive comments, will share full text with librarians)
a huge sign telling students where the hold shelf is
-all classes that require research should have a tour of the library. The is will teach students how to find/use call numbers, also learn all the services we have to offer
-remove the barcode sticker system and print barcodes directly on ID cards  or have swipe check out
If possible, more fun books to read
Have a copy of each book used in classes so people with less money can read it in the library instead of buying it
maybe instructions for copier/scanner
have more events in the library that help students during tests or important papers
the current barcode system could use more updates
a larger selection of current documentary film resources
more full orchestra scores? comptemporary
searching 13
more full orchestra scores? comptemporary
It's hard to navigate and find books. Also, having at least 1 copy of a PLU course book that can be checked out would be so helpful!
add more journals online/ more computers
easier access online resources
a small computer to look up books  
continue to make our printed article collection available through search engines like JSTOR and EbscoHost
occasionally online searches either repeats of sources or simply reviews. of things unrelated to my search and nothing else, no mater how specific I am. It doesn't happen too often though, and not sure if its just a glitch or me at times.
more resources online via pdf files (research articles)
maybe have more journal articles available online?
more access to things
it's very hard to find a search for CD's. Help catalogue?
slightly more user-friendly book-locating service
more articles on CINAHL
printers 11
more computers, more free printing
more computers/printers
Introducing a printer/printing station on one of the upper floors would be great for students and groups studying upstairs
enable printing from personal computers
more efficient printers  
free printing
have a printer on 3rd floor, that way people don't have to go to the 1st floor and leave their stuff unattended
printers that work!
creating capability between laptops and printers
printing to be cheaper
video screen desk have old 10 pin connecters, not as common on laptops. 10-pin HOMI converters?
wi-fi/network 9
improvements in internet accessibility, more outlets thought floors would be helpful, as well as faster internet
faster internet
the wi-fi this year has been terrible. Not only the library, but everywhere on campus. (extensive comments, will share full text with librarians)
a huge sign telling students where the hold shelf is
-all classes that require research should have a tour of the library. The is will teach students how to find/use call numbers, also learn all the services we have to offer  
-remove the barcode sticker system and print barcodes directly on ID cards  or have swipe check out
wi-fi for laptop and GSS data knowledge from staff
I wish you didn't take away two monitor PC from DesignLab. Mac's one not set up properly. In other words not user friendly.
little improvement on internet
more areas with sold wi-fi
the building would benefit from furniture and infrastructure upgrades toward technology use and wi-fi access throughout
check out cameras for longer
noise 8
quieter 3rd floor volume regulations
more quiet
There is no way around it but the study rooms on the third floor can get very loud and are right by the (should be) quiet study spots outside
stricter policies of quiet areas of library -- can get loud on seond floor sometimes
quiet rules enforced better  
keep 3rd floor silent
more hours availability, a little quieter environment
can be a bit loud at times
heat and a/c 8
longer couches so I can lay on them and type, better temperature
heat/bathroom on 1st floor (needed)
the lighting and conditioning is uncomfortable
more air circulation -- it gets stuffy. Also front desk workers are pretty often too loud.
It's a little too hot in the library.  
could be a little colder
some fans
sometimes it's too hot!
drink/food 8
coffee shop/cafe in the library! and more outlets
more snacks!
coffee cart!
store in library - for snacks
coffee cart  
it would be sweet if we had an expresso cart after hours (like 8-11)
put a coffee chop/cart in!
bathrooms 6
new furniture, bathroom on 1st floor
bathroom on 1st floor and make 3rd floor study rooms noise proof
2 bathrooms (unless I'm mistaken, is there only 1?)
bathroom on entry floor
heat/bathroom on 1st floor (needed)  
bathroom on 1st floor
other computer/media 5
better tech center that supports (illegible) data/no slow computers
check out cameras for longer
have a list of all the things they offer -- maybe workshops
more large study tables, better computer support
be able to check out camera to take photos  
help desk staff 3
wi-fi for laptop and GSS data knowledge from staff
it's be nice if the "Help Desk" could be quieter
help desk can be more quiet
library(?) staff 3
more air circulation -- it gets stuffy. Also front desk workers are pretty often too loud.
feels a bit out of date. Maybe iPads to checkout would be cool. More workers willing to help you locate books, etc.
the layout of the library is great, the people not so much
writing center 2
I work at the Writing Center and we'd love to be able to turn off our lights independently!
put writing center in more visible/accessible location