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Pacific Lutheran University

Inquiry. Service. Leadership. Care.

Library Snapshot Day 2017: How Could be Better?- By Category

Snapshot Day took place on April 3, 2017. It was combined with a celebration of Mortvedt Library's 50th anniversary.

Full-Text Responses to "How could the Library be better? or How can the Library meet your needs?"

This year we posed the question, "How could the Library be better? or How can the Library meet your needs?" and asked for a few response sentences. Below are the parsed out responses under categories with rough counts to illustrate the number of times a topic was mentioned. On another tab you’ll find the respondents’ full-text statements which give more context to how the statements were made.

furniture - 28 mentions
outlets - 26 mentions
computers & printing - 25 mentions
space - 18 mentions
hours - 18 mentions
bathrooms - 13 mentions
study rooms - 12 mentions
temperature - 12 mentions
cafe - 11 mentions
white boards - 5 mentions
quiet - 4 mentions
interlibrary loan - 3 mentions
writing center & tutoring - 2 mentions
staff - 2 mentions
Help Desk - 1 mention
textbooks - 1 mention
other items - 20 mentions
nothing to improve - 25 mentions

furniture - 28 mentions
New cubicles would be nice

Better furniture!

Better couches. Put outlets in tables or by tables.

Comfy chairs!

More comfy seating

New furniture or a lighter facelift could be nice. My biggest want/need would be outlet access to the big tables in the middle of the second floor. I love those tables but they need outlets!

More comfy places to sit!

Updated furniture.

More comfortable spaces (would love booths!). 

Better furniture.

Have more couches on third floor.

I've always wanted a sofa or a place to lay down in private really quick. 'Have roommate issues.

More tables and chairs on the first floor.

Furniture upgrade. More visibility/promotion/support.

Nice furniture and better lights.

I need standing desks and outlets. Vitamin D lights.

Maybe more table space on the first floor (individual tables).


I love the bean bags on the 2nd floor.

I don't quite know, but the new furniture options are a plus!

Better lighting, like softer. More plugs in the tables.

more variety in desks/spaces on 3rd floor. 

More comfortable chairs for reading/relaxing

Smaller tables for fewer people (to avoid one or two people taking up a 6-8 seat table -- especially on the 2nd floor).

The library would be better if tables had more access power outlets. More table space would also be nice.

I would like more . . . casual furniture

bigger cubicles

movable furniture, better chairs


outlets - 26 mentions
More outlets a the tables would be nice.

More charging stations

outlets availability

More plugs, more lighting at individual desks.

More electrical outlets.

More outlets

More outlets for my chargers.

The library would be better if tables had more access power outlets. 

More outlets

I wish there were more outlets to plug computers into.

Outlets are a big trouble. Consider adding more.

More outlets, desks where outlets are.

More outlets -- like the ones in Reike.

Possibly more outlets.

The library could have more outlets

More electrical outlets available on the second floor would be great.

It would be nice if there were more spots to study with outlets/place to charge computers and phones.

More outlets.

Put outlets in tables or by tables.

My biggest want/need would be outlet access for the big tables in the middle of the second floor. I love those tables but they need outlets!

I need . . . outlets.

Electrical outlets.

Charging outlets at more seats.

More plugs in the tables.

more outlets.

More charging outlets (sorry to be repetitive!).


nothing to improve - 25 mentions
So far so good

I like it the way it is!

The library supplies many books that I have used in reports.

I think the library is already great!

I think there does not need to be an improvement.

It's great!

I have no suggestions at this moment.

No way, the library is perfect.

N/A. Everything I've wanted or needed has been seen to.

I must say the needs are very well met. Thanks ladies you're awesome.


I can't think of anything.

I think it is fine how it is.

I think it's good!

I believe the library already does a good job providing a place to work.

I love it just the way it is!

I am not sure.

It's great.

I believe it does an excellent job in providing resources and opportunity and access. No change for me!

Nothing really -- keep up the good work. I really appreciate the staff and facility as a study/public space.

You're good. I have no problems.

It's good! I like it.

It's pretty great.

I think it's great already.

It fills my needs how it currently is.

I like the library is cool as it is!


computers & printing - 25 mentions
More computers on 2nd & 3rd floors

More computers on the higher level floors.

More access to . . . student computers upstairs.

Computers on all floors.

Also have computers on other floors -- they get packed at most times.

Perhaps some more open-lab style computers on second floor.

More computers. 

More locations to connect a computer to a bigger screen for group projects.

more computers

More computer availability.

Nothing needs to be changed except for more printers or computers maybe.

Use airprint - directly print from student laptop. 

Being able to print from my laptop to the library printers.

Free printing!!!

More computers even though it's expensive.

Upgraded computers

Improve printing efficiency. sometimes computers are lagging.

I wish we didn't have to pay for printing.

Get the color copier fixed and the color scanner!!!!!

Better printers would be nice.

Quite a few of the study rooms on the 3rd floor do not have functional equipment. That could be worked on.

Being more versatile on the printing availability. I should be able to use whichever method of payment for my card - print card.

accepting card for printing.

The library could be better if they had more computers and had the paying of PLU printing at the Help Desk and not at the UC.

It would be nice to have updated programs in the design lab.


other - 20 mentions
It would be nice to have wireless remotes available to check out to be able to click through presentations.

More info on sessions/things occurring in the library.

More stability in searches when not physically in the library. Times where I cannot search from home.

Th library needs the administration to allocate more resources to it.

More snacks! or activities.

More Funding! Research is important.

Better stack labeling i.e. subject labels.

It could include a public binder with the # of the books in each floor and area.

I think the library is doing will a the moment but could make some services more known.

A place for students to suggest new books for library inventory.

I think that just getting the word out about what additional services are available.

Be able to check out references for a short time rather than have to scan/print.

If possible, somehow keep the Keithly Middle school kids out of the 3rd floor. They are loud, rude, and very inappropriate. But I realize it's hard to monitor that sort of thing.

Improve outside lighting

More renewal times and/or longer check out periods. Often I need books for a long time as essays I write occur over the course of the semester.

Office supplies more available and in good condition (the stapler never works right for me).

Have more staplers and hole punchers.

A more modern system and space would be useful.

the process for reserving a study room could be simpler (maybe reserve in person, not just online).

potentially more snacks and accepting card for printing.


space - 18 mentions
More natural light!

I wish we could utilize the basement for studying.

I would like to see more integration of natural elements (light, sound, plants, water, etc.) into the library in order to form a more harmonious study environment. Right now it feels too sterile.

There could be areas with smaller, isolated spaces (besides the study rooms) where focusing on studying would be easier.

It could look better. I don't have to use library services very often, but it always functions well for me when I need services.

I would like more windows 

Bigger rooms, more sections off quiet areas.

Maybe having more comfortable spaces to study.

More windows? Can't think of a whole lot.

More study rooms/group spaces.

Improved security on 3rd floor. 

Provide more silent spaces  

Have an exit towards the back toward the street.

more student meeting spaces

more lighting at individual desks.

more windows, movable furniture

more areas like the bean bag area on the second floor

Upgrading of mechanical systems and a complete remodel.


hours - 18 mentions
Library should be open 24 hours 

More 24/7 hours towards finals.

It will be better if it's 24 hours all day.

I think a 24/7 service for students would be helpful all year.

The library is always wonderful during dead week when it is 24 hours. I know that this is due to budget and staffing, but it is difficult to leave at 1 am of at 8 pm on the weekends.

24 hours would be awesome!

Hours during finals, 

The library could be better by having more hours being open.

I would be helpful if the library was open later

Be open later if possible.

Longer hours would be nice!

Open later.

Open later.

Longer/later hours on the weekend.

Longer hours on the weekends instead of weekdays.

The library could be open later on Fridays.

Not closing so early on Fridays.

Better hours on Friday and Saturday if possible.


bathrooms - 13 mentions
A bathroom on the first floor! (pipe dream?)

Bathrooms on the 1st floor! Not accessible to have them on 2nd floor.

First floor bathroom.

First floor bathroom access? Everything else is very nice.

Bathroom bottom floor.

Bathroom on the first floor!!!

Seriously needs a bathroom on the 1st floor.

More bathrooms, especially gender inclusive.

Restrooms on the first floor.

Have bathrooms on the main floor. 

A bathroom on the first floor would be nice.

better signs for the bathrooms.

Plus bathrooms on every floor; make sure everything is *accessible.*


study rooms - 12 mentions
I wish there were more private study rooms. The third floor is cold!! I hope someone can fix it.

The study rooms should be bigger and more. 

Better lighting in come private study rooms.

I would like to see more rooms for use for studying.

I'd like more group space

Could be better if it had larger study rooms.

I would like to see group study rooms improved.

More private rooms -- they are often fill very quickly, esp. near the end of the semester (but I recognize this is expensive and the library doesn't get much funding :(

Need more rooms for group study.

And more study rooms (for groups).

comfortable single person study areas

Sound proof the study rooms.


temperature - 12 mentions
The library can be too hot on the first floor.

Too warm on the 1st floor, especially the design lab.

Upgrading of mechanical systems and a complete remodel.

I think the library could have a better heating system on the upper floors (they are *very* cold in comparison to the 1st floor).

There have been times when I feel the library could be better heated. Especially on the upper floors.

More air flow please.

It can be very cold in the study rooms. It would be nice if temps could be warmer.


It is a little too warm in the building, that's all I can say.

Warmer atmosphere.

The third floor is cold!! I hope someone can fix it.

increase the temperature in top 2 floors


cafe - 11 mentions
If the library had coffee available in the library at all times that would be amazing.

Having coffee available for sale in the library would just be amazing.

Coffee!! A coffee pot and come creamer options on the 1st floor would be amazing (for sale, of course).

Coffee stand!

Opening a market (like Kelly Cafe) on the main floor of the library.

The library could be better maybe if there was a coffee shop so that we didn't have to go to the UC to get something.

A cafe in the library would be nice! 

Would be nice to have a coffee place here.

A small coffee shop.

I would like  . . . a coffee place!

coffee/snack stand.


white boards - 5 mentions
More white boards and markers!

MORE white boards! 

More white board space.

I would like it if all the study rooms had white boards instead of just the largest ones that only allow large groups.

more white boards.


quiet - 4 mentions
Sometimes the bottom floor is noisy, but that's not a huge deal.

Quieter 3rd floor.

Making sure that people are quiet on the 3rd floor and better signs for the bathrooms.

Making sure students on the top floor keep the noise to a minimum while others are trying to study.


interlibrary loan - 3 mentions
Interlibrary loan takes too long

I think advertising ILL as a resource could help more students take advantage of it earlier or in their academic careers.

Expanded use of interlibrary loan and how-to courses would be useful.


writing center & tutoring - 2 mentions
Bigger tutor room!

have academic tutoring services in a more obvious location.


staff - 2 mentions
If there is more staff available to help with research related questions.

The library could be better or meet my needs more by helping me find what I need for essays.


Help Desk - 1 mention
IT. Response of (illegible, emails?).


textbooks - 1 mention
Could you have a copy of each textbook used that term for emergencies and stuff?