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Pacific Lutheran University

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Library Snapshot Day 2014: Snapshot of the Day

Door Count


patrons and visitors came through the front door of the PLU Library on April 28

Find it Guides


number of subject or course guides viewed on April 28

Check Outs


Items were checked out of the PLU Library on April 28

Interlibrary Loans


Items where ordered, delivered electronically, and received and made ready for patron pick up on April 28

Library Building Open


hours on April 28 (7am-1am)

Study Rooms


Study room reservations

Snapshot Day 2014!

library snapshot day 2014 logo

Monday, April 28, 2014.

Survey - Words that Describe Mortvedt Library 2014

Snapshot Day 2014 word cloud

Survey Results - Suggestions

We collected surveys from 252 people. Here's a short list of the most remarked suggestions with some representative quotes, for full text of all comments see this link:


Furniture & Space - 64 commnets

"More chairs like those in the lobby where the desk is attached or can be pulled out of, in study rooms or locations more isolated."

"More ergonomic chairs, desks without bumpy surfaces."

"The couches are nice but weird at the same time."


"Better study spaces. There aren't many comfortable places to study and it's altogether ugly which makes a lot of us not want to be here."

"Tables positioned so you can sit and look out the windows and work."

Computers/printers - 47 comments

"Computers are always full during busy times of the day."

"Schedule of when design computers are reserved."

"More computers."

Outlets - 41 comments

"More outlets and perhaps thinking of new ways of organizing cubicles on 3rd floor to be closer to outlets."

"I would be nice to have more tables with more outlets."

"More outlets next to the couches PLEASE!"

Hours - 24 comments

"Later hours during a regular week, not just finals/dead week."

"24/7 access with PLU ID card."

"Not open till 10am on weekends. It would be great to have the library open earlier on weekends."

Resources - 15 comments

"Update music library (sheet music and CDs) regularly."

"There should be student input on new acquisitions."

"Have books for English class in stock for checkout when we need them for class."

Study Rooms - 13 comments

"The doors to some study rooms are rather loud. WD40 those suckers!"

"My only suggestion is to somehow improve the sound proofing in the study rooms. The walls are super thin."

"Arrange study rooms to accommodate larger groups."


Survey Results - What Patrons Like

We collected surveys from 252 people.  Here's a short list of the most remarked appreciations with some representative quotes, for full text of all comments see this link:


Staff - 92 comments

"The staff is very helpful and I appreciate them each time I am helped by them. Thank you."

"The library staff and electronics make finding and shecking out materials out SUPER EASY."

"Excellent experts in our PLU library staff."

Space - 77 comments

"I always feel  like there's somewhere I can go to study on my own or with friends, and the tiered silence set up."

 "I appreciate that the library is  space where I can focus and get work done without getting distracted."

Resources - 41 comments

"How much information is held in one building is hard to believe!"

"I like how easy it is to find resources for the projects I work on."

""The library gives me most of what I need to succeed in my academic work."

Quiet - 36 comments

"Different floors = different volume levels."

"I love the different levels -- quiet, whisper, taliking -- for every type of work!"

Computers/rpnters - 21 comments

"Easy access to computer lab and printing"

"Printing and tech repair."

Study rooms -18 comments

"I love being able to book study rooms and work on group stuff."

"I like computer rooms to reserve."