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Pacific Lutheran University

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Cite It: Citation Guides & Style Manuals: Style Guides & Manuals

Citation Managers

EndNoteWeb and Zotero are free tools you can use to keep track of your research, organize your sources, and generate citations and bibliographies.

Auto-Generate Citations

A number of the Library's online databases allow you to easily generate citations.

It is important to remember to double check the citations against the actual style guide.

Additional online citation generators are listed below.

AAA Style

AAA style cover

Anthropology courses at PLU generally require students to use the American Anthropological Association (AAA) style guide for research papers.

Full-text is available online.

ACS Style


Chemistry courses at PLU generally require students to use the American Chemical Society (ACS) style guide for research papers.

AGU Style

AGU logo

You can use the American Geophysical Union Publications Style for your citations, unless your professor has asked you to use something else. The citation style guide, along with information on manuscript preparation, is available online.

AMA Style

The AMA Manual of Style is published by the American Medical Association.

APA Style

Nursing, Business, Psychology & other Social Science courses at PLU generally require students to use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) for research papers.

ASA Style

Sociology courses at PLU may require students to use the American Sociological Association (ASA) style guide for research papers.

Bluebook (Legal citations)


The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation is considered "the definitive style guide for legal citations in the United States."

Print copy located in the Library


CSE Style

Biology & other Natural Science courses at PLU may require students to use Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers for research papers.


Chicago Style

History and some other Humanities course may require students to use the Chicago Manual of Style. 

GSA Style

Geological Society of America logo

You can use the GSA Reference Guidelines for your citations, unless your professor has asked you to use something else. The citation style guide, along with information on manuscript preparation, is available online.

MLA Style

English and other Language & Humanities courses often  require students to use the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, from the Modern Language Association.

SBL Style

Some Religion courses require students to use the SBL Handbook of Style, from the Society of Biblical Literature. 

This style addresses some of the unique sources used in Biblical Studies including commentaries & Biblical citations.

Turabian Style

Professors in various courses may require the use of Kate Turabians, A Manual for Writers. This is a modified version of the Chicago Style.

Style Manual for Political Science

APSA style manual

The Style Manual for Political Science is based on the Chicago Manual of Style and provides specific instruction for citing the various resource types used in Political Science research.